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BuckHill Expansion

Burnsville, MN

Sports & Entertainment

Under new ownership, a transformative vision emerges for a renowned Twin Cities Landmark. Buck Hill, a local skiing haven, is envisioned as more than just a winter sports destination. The possibilities for its evolution are vast and diverse. Phase I of the development encompassed the expansion of skiing, snowboarding, and sledding into year-round sports, incorporating Neveplast dry slopes. New facilities and updated infrastructure is also currently underway. Future conceptual phases outline potential additions such as an outdoor amphitheater for hosting concerts, an indoor training facility, a hotel, a brewery, and various retail spaces.


Hill Top Container Chalet
Container Chalet Interior
Indoor Ski Hill
Buckstone Lodge
Shred Shed Training Facility
Summer Tubing
Summer Activities
Hilltop Chalet Concept
Summer Skiing
Banquet Facility
Summer Board Park
Neveplast Summer Skiing
Base Concept
Container Chalet
Buckstone Hotel & Restaurant
Container Chalet
New Rope Tow
BH Indoor Ski Hill
Night Tubing
Neveplast Dry Slope
Neveplast Summer Tubing
New Chair Lift

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